First Name
Last Name
Phone Number (optional)
Domain Name?
How Did You Find Premium Links?
Are You The Domain Owner?
How Much Do You Charge Per-Post?
Do you allow Adult, Casino, CBD, Loans, PayDay, Crypto, or Vaping-related pieces? If so, how much do you charge?
Specify other anchor varieties (Optional):
Specify other duration, if applicable (Optional):
Are there any requirements for an article’s word count on your website? If so, please provide the minimum and/or maximum word count allowed:
Please specify (Optional):
Do you offer content writing for your own website? If so, how much does it cost?
Please note that editorial approval may be required for some articles based on the specific needs of the client purchasing a guest post.
If you write an article, what is the estimated average time to complete and publish the piece? (Optional)
Do you have any content guidelines? If so, let us know below:
Please provide a sample article from your site that is representative of what clients can expect to see:
Do you offer link insertions/editorial links? If so, how much do you charge?
Is there anything else you think we should know? (Optional)